I sucked it up and decided I was just going to go ahead and get Julia, but was waffling on the size. I typically go 1/2 size down in pointy toes because of the aforementioned tendency to create space where there usually isn't, but the ShoeDazzle Signature Soles always run small to begin with. So I held off until reviews started coming in and I could make a better decision. (For the record, the consensus seems to be that they are true to size on most girls)
During that wait, an interesting thing happened. One day, I was sitting in my office, talking to one of my bosses about a project and all of a sudden I got a text message. I looked down and it was a dear fellow shoe-whore letting me know that yellow Ditan was available in my size on 6pm for $40. $40!!!!!! Yes! I actually told my boss "Hold that thought..." and turned around and ordered them without a blink. At least he's understanding. All he asked is that I stay away from his wife lest she develop the same habit.
They're even more gorgeous in person. They are tighter than all my other Dita/Ditans but not quite tight enough for me to have gone up a size without using inserts. They broke in really nicely the first day I wore them and I got tons of compliments on them. One co-worker said "Your shoes make me happy." I think that's probably the best thing I can ever hope for someone to tell me about my shoes. They're my little bursts of sunshine.
As for Julia, I'm considering the turquoise still. It'll all depend on what else gets released at the Dazzle tonight. I kinda feel dirty knowing that I almost bought the imitator when the real thing was waiting for me all along though. So maybe I'll just hold off for a screaming deal on the teal Ditan. I'm mean, hello, I've got 4 pairs already, I think 5 would be the icing on the Betsey cake.
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